Thursday, November 22, 2007

My first Blog!

First time Blogging on this or any other Blog...A little nervous, but I will be OK. Trying to think of a cute story about Schintzler and Broekman. Hmmm.... I was coloring w/ Schnitz the other night and we were having a fine long as I stayed on my page. (She, of course, felt free to color on her page and mine, as the spirit moved her.) I was looking for applications for Purple crayon and she for Yellow (our favorite colors, as she is quick to tell everyone). Anyhow, the pictures were about Christmas and showed a mantle w/ stockings. I asked if she remembered our stockings from last year. She said she didn't. I said that soon we would hang stockings and on Christmas morning they would be full of presents. She said, "I'm curious what those presents are." Pretty big word for a sub-3-year old.

Also, one of our favorite activities is watching bird videos on YouTube. She is especially big on the Smooth Billed Ani (great sound track - you could check it out) and the Barn Owl. YouTube is full of great stuff and dangerous, though, you bring up a video of kangaroos and they are boxing or some stupid thing. As soon as she catches a glimpse and I shut it down, it becomes the forbidden fruit that is most desirable. "Pop, I want to see the kangaroos boxing!"

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