Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Head wound

Ani was a flower girl in Ruth's and B's wedding ("When Ruth and B get married, Daddy is going to be UNCLE Daddy!" Um, not quite. . .) which was beautiful.

On Monday we went to Henry and Anne's house for supper after the beach. Jonah had been playing in their outdoor stone fountain and had gotten the grass around it wet. When Ani went running up to it, her feet went right out from under her and she hit her forehead on the corner of the fountain.

Kevin picked her up and rushed her inside to the sink so we could get a better look at it. It was gaping open. On the opinion of two doctors and one nurse, we took her to the ER at Holland Hospital. Kevin held her in the back seat while I drove. She cried for a bit, but then almost fell asleep in the car on the way there.

When we got there, no one was waiting, so we were seen very quickly. The nurse took a peek at the wound -- there was no doubt she needed stitches. We waited for a few minutes in the waiting room for the nurse. She gave Kevin a gauze pad soaked in anesthetic ointment of some kind to hold on her head. He held it there for 45 minutes or so. While we waited for the pain-killers to kick in, we told Ani what the doctor was going to do. She said, "Oh, that is fine if they want to give me a shot. I give my babies shots all the time and they don't hurt."

The doctor came in and asked her to lay down on the table. Kevin was at her feet and I was at her head. He gave her a series of shots in the wound and gave her seven stitches. She never even flinched. In fact, she spent the whole time talking about the time that her friend Rose came over and on and on.

We got her home that night and she never complained about it once. The only thing she didn't like was when I took the bandage off to replace it in the morning.

She had the stitches removed on Friday which "didn't hurt AT ALL." About three hours later, she fell on the stairs and opened the wound up again. It started bleeding all over again, but thankfully not as badly. I called urgent care and they said that they wouldn't be able to sew it up again now anyway, so all I could do was to control the bleeding. Ani was pretty unfazed: "Hey, look! My hair is getting all red again! Dat so silly!"

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